viernes, abril 08, 2005


La preposicion AWAY quiere decir algo asi como fuera y lejos y da lugar a una gran serie de phrasal verbs. A continuación os invito a un analisis en inglés, usad el diccionario para entenderlo mejor. Algunos phrasal verbs no los encontraremos en vuestro diccionario, sera el momento de probar diccionarios por internet.Y si pese a todo teneis alguna dificultad escribidla en COMMENTS. Si se usase otra preposicion detras como objeto casi siempre seria FROM.
s.o. : somebody sth. : something

BACK AWAY (leave facing s.o./sth.) The courtier backed away from the emperor.

COME AWAY (leave) She came away from the pub and we went shopping.
(separate) The door-knob came away in my hand.

DRIVE AWAY (leave in a car) We drove away from the garage in the new car.

FLY AWAY (leave flying/by plane) The planes flew away from the aerodrome.

GET AWAY (escape) She finally got away from her captors.

GO AWAY (leave) They told him to go away and leave them alone.

WALK AWAY (leave on foot) He walked away from the fight and didn´t get involved.

MOVE AWAY (become further from) The policeman asked him to move away from the barrier.

PULL AWAY (leave in a car or other kind of vehicle) The car pulled away from the traffic lights.

RIDE AWAY (leave on a horse or bicycle) The horsemen rode away and were never seen again.

STEP AWAY (move away the distance of one step) She stepped away from the dead body.

RUN AWAY (leave running) He ran away from the battle.
(of children, leave home) The unhappy boy ran away from home.

SLIP AWAY (leave secretly) I managed to slip away from the party at 12 o´clock.

TEAR YOURSELF AWAY (leave reluctantly) I couldn´t tear myself away from the film.

BEAT AWAY (defend yourself from an attack) He beat away the savage dog with a stick.

CALL AWAY (give instructions to go to another place) She was called away on business.

CARRY AWAY (remove by carrying) The Romans carried away the Sabine women.
(win a prize) She carried away three Oscars from the Academy Award Ceremony.

DRAG AWAY (drag s.o./sth. to another place) He was dragged away by the prison guards.

DRIVE AWAY (cause an attacker to go away) She drove away the assailants with her umbrella.

GIVE AWAY (give) St. Francis gave away all his possessions and dedicated himself to God.
(accompany a daughter to her wedding) Her father proudly gave her away.

KICK AWAY (push sth. away with your foot) She kicked the football away.

KNOCK AWAY (push sth. away with a knock) He knocked away the glass which broke.

LEAD AWAY (accompany s.o. to another place) She was led away by two policemen.

PUSH AWAY (separate by pushing) He pushed away the reporter.

SEND AWAY (tell s.o. to leave) Vivian was sent away to school in England.



  • At 7:18 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said…

    I managed to slip away from the work, without the boss saw me.

    We want fly away at 8 o'clock.


  • At 8:06 a. m., Blogger JOSE said…

    Without the boss seeing me.
    ("ING" despues de PREPOSICION, aunque haya un OBJETO en el medio)

    We want to fly away....
    (el segundo verbo esta en INFINITIVO por lo tanto TO...)

  • At 1:11 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said…

    I saw a dangerous man in the street so I runned away as fast as I could.

    I was fed up of my brother so I told him to go away.


  • At 5:42 p. m., Blogger JOSE said…

    El verbo "TO RUN" es irregular por tanto "SO I RAN AWAY"
    No es un error grave ya que lo comete mucha gente.
    Si googleamos RAN: 130.000.000
    Si googleamos RUNNED: 274.000
    Asi que tu serias uno de esos ultimos.


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