TURN AWAY (reject) He was turned away from the club because he wasn´t properly dressed.
THROW AWAY (discard, get rid of, drop) You should throw away that old anorak.
WASH AWAY (eliminate with water) The house was washed away by the sea.
ASK AWAY (continue asking) Can I ask you a personal question? Ask away.
FIRE AWAY (continue shooting) The officer told them to fire away at the enemy.
KNOCK AWAY (continue knocking) He can knock away. I´m not going to open the door.
TALK AWAY (continue talking) Talk away. It doesn´t distract me.
WORK AWAY (continue working) He worked away on the project for two months.
CLEAR AWAY (put sth. in its correct place) He cleared away the lunch and they started to play cards.
PUT AWAY (put sth. in its correct place) She put away her wedding dress in its box.
(place in prison) He was put away for ten years.
(eat a lot) He managed to put away the whole pizza.
TIDY AWAY (put things in their correct place) Could you tidy away your toys now, please?
BE AWAY (not be at home or in the office) I´m afraid she´s away on business at the moment.
KEEP AWAY (not came close) You should keep away from him.
STAY AWAY (not came close) I stayed away from the party because I knew she had been invited.
DIE AWAY (reduce to nothing) Slowly the noise of the plane died away.
DO AWAY WITH (kill) The Mafia have done away with the judge.
PASS AWAY (die) Thankfully, her father passed away in his sleep.
CUT AWAY (destroy by cutting) He cut away the undergrowth to reveal the hidden temple.
TEAR AWAY (destroy by tearing) She tore away the mysterious woman´s veil.
LOOK AWAY (look in another direction) He looked away in shame.
GET CARRIED AWAY (lose control and forget your inhibitions) She got carried away and bought six pairs of shoes.
GET AWAY WITH (escape without punishment) She got away with murder.
That´s all folks (eso es todos colegas). Como siempre si alguien tiene una duda o quiere probar a poner algun ejemplo. WELCOME TO COMMENTS. JOSE.
THROW AWAY (discard, get rid of, drop) You should throw away that old anorak.
WASH AWAY (eliminate with water) The house was washed away by the sea.
ASK AWAY (continue asking) Can I ask you a personal question? Ask away.
FIRE AWAY (continue shooting) The officer told them to fire away at the enemy.
KNOCK AWAY (continue knocking) He can knock away. I´m not going to open the door.
TALK AWAY (continue talking) Talk away. It doesn´t distract me.
WORK AWAY (continue working) He worked away on the project for two months.
CLEAR AWAY (put sth. in its correct place) He cleared away the lunch and they started to play cards.
PUT AWAY (put sth. in its correct place) She put away her wedding dress in its box.
(place in prison) He was put away for ten years.
(eat a lot) He managed to put away the whole pizza.
TIDY AWAY (put things in their correct place) Could you tidy away your toys now, please?
BE AWAY (not be at home or in the office) I´m afraid she´s away on business at the moment.
KEEP AWAY (not came close) You should keep away from him.
STAY AWAY (not came close) I stayed away from the party because I knew she had been invited.
DIE AWAY (reduce to nothing) Slowly the noise of the plane died away.
DO AWAY WITH (kill) The Mafia have done away with the judge.
PASS AWAY (die) Thankfully, her father passed away in his sleep.
CUT AWAY (destroy by cutting) He cut away the undergrowth to reveal the hidden temple.
TEAR AWAY (destroy by tearing) She tore away the mysterious woman´s veil.
LOOK AWAY (look in another direction) He looked away in shame.
GET CARRIED AWAY (lose control and forget your inhibitions) She got carried away and bought six pairs of shoes.
GET AWAY WITH (escape without punishment) She got away with murder.
That´s all folks (eso es todos colegas). Como siempre si alguien tiene una duda o quiere probar a poner algun ejemplo. WELCOME TO COMMENTS. JOSE.
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