viernes, abril 29, 2005


Es recomendable que volvais a leer mi POST del 4 FEBRERO 2005 - RADIO CANADA - CBC -
Siguiendo con la misma idea esta vez tendreis una lista de emisoras de radio de USA para que acostumbremos nuestros oidos al AMERICAN ACCENT.

YESTERDAY USA es una emisora dedicada a recordar el pasado (cuando un pais empieza a declinar, empieza a mirar el pasado) Hacer click en Real Player o Windows Media.

MONEYDOTS haciendo click sobre una radio antigua que hay a la derecha escucharemos una gravacion de muestra de esta emisora de radio de Main Street.

Listados de emisoras, hay muchas pero la verdad es que la mayoria no funcionan y hay emisoras raras : religiosas, etc. sera cuestion de ir probando y cuando se encuentre una buena meterla en favoritos donde seria buenao que abrieramos una carpeta, por ejemplo : USA RADIO



viernes, abril 22, 2005


Aqui hay otra pagina dedicada al estudio del ingles:

En el titulo de esta pagina dice que es la mejor pagina para aprender ingles en internet.
Tiene una cantidad enorme de ejercicios sobre muchos temas.
Si al lado del titulo del ejercicio se ven unas pequeñas gafas es que ese ejercicio es de entrada libre. Si se ve una pequeña llave es para socios. Para ser socio cobran una cantidad mensual o anual. Yo diria que no hace falta hacerlo, ya que en internet hay muchas paginas, pero vale la pena aprovechar la parte libre de esta pagina.

En este caso no explicare las distintas secciones, lo más razonable es que vayais probando haciendo click en todo (siempre es mejor leer primero donde haceis click por las dudas).

El que descubra cosas buenas o malas respecto a esta pagina por favor que lo escriba en COMMENTS (aqui debajo). JOSE

viernes, abril 15, 2005


Nuestro link ALL TIMES ENGLISH MUSIC dedica este mes a este famoso conjunto de PUNK ROCK Posted by Hello

viernes, abril 08, 2005


La preposicion AWAY quiere decir algo asi como fuera y lejos y da lugar a una gran serie de phrasal verbs. A continuación os invito a un analisis en inglés, usad el diccionario para entenderlo mejor. Algunos phrasal verbs no los encontraremos en vuestro diccionario, sera el momento de probar diccionarios por internet.Y si pese a todo teneis alguna dificultad escribidla en COMMENTS. Si se usase otra preposicion detras como objeto casi siempre seria FROM.
s.o. : somebody sth. : something

BACK AWAY (leave facing s.o./sth.) The courtier backed away from the emperor.

COME AWAY (leave) She came away from the pub and we went shopping.
(separate) The door-knob came away in my hand.

DRIVE AWAY (leave in a car) We drove away from the garage in the new car.

FLY AWAY (leave flying/by plane) The planes flew away from the aerodrome.

GET AWAY (escape) She finally got away from her captors.

GO AWAY (leave) They told him to go away and leave them alone.

WALK AWAY (leave on foot) He walked away from the fight and didn´t get involved.

MOVE AWAY (become further from) The policeman asked him to move away from the barrier.

PULL AWAY (leave in a car or other kind of vehicle) The car pulled away from the traffic lights.

RIDE AWAY (leave on a horse or bicycle) The horsemen rode away and were never seen again.

STEP AWAY (move away the distance of one step) She stepped away from the dead body.

RUN AWAY (leave running) He ran away from the battle.
(of children, leave home) The unhappy boy ran away from home.

SLIP AWAY (leave secretly) I managed to slip away from the party at 12 o´clock.

TEAR YOURSELF AWAY (leave reluctantly) I couldn´t tear myself away from the film.

BEAT AWAY (defend yourself from an attack) He beat away the savage dog with a stick.

CALL AWAY (give instructions to go to another place) She was called away on business.

CARRY AWAY (remove by carrying) The Romans carried away the Sabine women.
(win a prize) She carried away three Oscars from the Academy Award Ceremony.

DRAG AWAY (drag s.o./sth. to another place) He was dragged away by the prison guards.

DRIVE AWAY (cause an attacker to go away) She drove away the assailants with her umbrella.

GIVE AWAY (give) St. Francis gave away all his possessions and dedicated himself to God.
(accompany a daughter to her wedding) Her father proudly gave her away.

KICK AWAY (push sth. away with your foot) She kicked the football away.

KNOCK AWAY (push sth. away with a knock) He knocked away the glass which broke.

LEAD AWAY (accompany s.o. to another place) She was led away by two policemen.

PUSH AWAY (separate by pushing) He pushed away the reporter.

SEND AWAY (tell s.o. to leave) Vivian was sent away to school in England.


viernes, abril 01, 2005


TURN AWAY (reject) He was turned away from the club because he wasn´t properly dressed.

THROW AWAY (discard, get rid of, drop) You should throw away that old anorak.

WASH AWAY (eliminate with water) The house was washed away by the sea.

ASK AWAY (continue asking) Can I ask you a personal question? Ask away.

FIRE AWAY (continue shooting) The officer told them to fire away at the enemy.

KNOCK AWAY (continue knocking) He can knock away. I´m not going to open the door.

TALK AWAY (continue talking) Talk away. It doesn´t distract me.

WORK AWAY (continue working) He worked away on the project for two months.

CLEAR AWAY (put sth. in its correct place) He cleared away the lunch and they started to play cards.

PUT AWAY (put sth. in its correct place) She put away her wedding dress in its box.
(place in prison) He was put away for ten years.
(eat a lot) He managed to put away the whole pizza.

TIDY AWAY (put things in their correct place) Could you tidy away your toys now, please?

BE AWAY (not be at home or in the office) I´m afraid she´s away on business at the moment.

KEEP AWAY (not came close) You should keep away from him.

STAY AWAY (not came close) I stayed away from the party because I knew she had been invited.

DIE AWAY (reduce to nothing) Slowly the noise of the plane died away.

DO AWAY WITH (kill) The Mafia have done away with the judge.

PASS AWAY (die) Thankfully, her father passed away in his sleep.

CUT AWAY (destroy by cutting) He cut away the undergrowth to reveal the hidden temple.

TEAR AWAY (destroy by tearing) She tore away the mysterious woman´s veil.

LOOK AWAY (look in another direction) He looked away in shame.

GET CARRIED AWAY (lose control and forget your inhibitions) She got carried away and bought six pairs of shoes.

GET AWAY WITH (escape without punishment) She got away with murder.

That´s all folks (eso es todos colegas). Como siempre si alguien tiene una duda o quiere probar a poner algun ejemplo. WELCOME TO COMMENTS. JOSE.